About Us

Marvini is inspired by our love of wines & travels

Discover our story of wine and travels

Jurica Marčić


Last ten years  I was building a career in prestigious high-category hotels in food and beverage management.

Before that time I spend memorable years as a sommelier and along the way attended courses such as WSET (Wine & Spirit Education Trust) ASI – Association de la Sommellerie Internationale

Favorite part of my job was to visit Croatian wineries, meet the winemakers, taste their wines and pair wines with the food to make menus and wine lists for the restaurants.

Based on that friendship with most of important winemakers I decided to share my experiences and provide my guidance to you and ensure that you have an amazing time here.

Michael Jörgensen


My name is Michael and I’m a soon to bee 53 year old Scandinavian. Born in Copenhagen, raised in Sweden, hade a few years in Thailand running a bar/restaurant, and spent many years in Norway working. I do everything in my power to make sure my life won’t be wasted, spending all my hard earned cash traveling, eating delicious food, drinking tasty wines all over the globe and have been doing so for the last 30 something years. 2 years ago i moved to Croatia, and a few months later i met Jurica who basically have the same feeling as me when it comes to enjoying life and he is almost as picky as me… Shortly after we came up with the idea, Marvini Winery Tours that offers a next level kind of traveling to wineries all over Croatia, and we will make sure that your trip with us will be a pleasant surprise without regrets.

Looking forward to assist you and if you have any questions regarding our trips, send me a mail and I will reply in Swedish or English as soon as possible.